Why Should I Get More Sunshine?

Photo Credit: Alex France

Photo Credit: Alex France



#1 Vitamin D 

There are 2 forms, D2 which is a plant source and D3 which the body synthesizes when your skin is exposed to sunlight. The body must have vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. It also promotes absorption of phosphorus and prevents the kidneys from excreting proteins in the urine. In addition to that, vitamin D promotes growth of strong bones and teeth; it prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.


#2 Its A Free Antiseptic

That’s right. Sunshine is one of the most effective germ killer known with no side effects. The UV rays are antiseptic – it kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, mold and all mites! That also includes fungus of the skin or any other skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne and boils.

Nugget: A study showed that hospital patients who stayed in rooms where the sun was shining inside the room recovered faster than those in a none sunlit room.


#3 Melatonin

This is the brain’s response to sunlight exposure. Therefore the more you’re in the sun the more melatonin you’ll receive. Here’s why it’s vital. This chemical is essential for when we sleep because it helps us feel sleepy. Now that’s essential. If you’re not sleeping try walking in the morning sun for a few minutes.

Furthermore melatonin suppresses the growth of tumors and hence protects against cancer.


There you have it.  3 simple reasons that can be applied quickly and effectively. Now, I understand the seasonal weather = cold and windy but before it gets to the point of no return (winter), get as much sunshine as you can.

Will this make up for the loss days in winter, when you don’t want to go  walking in the cold? No it won’t which is why I say Thank God for science. You can take a supplement of vitamin D and Melatonin during these harsh times. Even so I encourage myself to wrap up warm and go for a walk– the crisp air would do well for my lungs!