3 Foods that will give you glamorous skin!

my versionWhatever time of year it may be, wherever you are, whatever you wear, your skin tells a story. It will tell of your inner health and your inner beauty.

Diet plays an important role in the appearance of the skin. This doesn’t mean that you have to go on a diet, it just means you have to take care because what goes in will definitely show on the outside.

What then can we put into our bodies that will shine magnificently through our skin?

Food #1 – Peanuts

These are one of the most concentrated foods available simply because they contain all the basic nutrients.

“Great, so I can eat a bag of peanuts and I’ll have my daily requirements fulfilled”.

No, don’t even think that. Peanuts are so highly concentrated in nutrients that they can be indigestible if eaten too much and too fast. Not to mention their fat content. The best way to enjoy them is to chew them well and to eat them with whole grains or fruit as a replacement of something else, you would normally have those kinds of foods with.

Two substances that you should take note of found in the peanut is niacin and unsaturated fatty acids. These two are wonderful because they form and regenerate the skin. Ladies do not run from fat. Run from the wrong kinds. Unsaturated fatty acids are needed for healthful skin, so embrace it!

Food #2 – Cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of my favorite vegetables. It’s so refreshing and easy to make into something yummy! Since most of it’s content is made up of water (96%) and it contains minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and traces of sulfur, therefore it is a natural hydrator and alkalizer.

What does alkalizer mean? It means the cucumber has properties to neutralize excess acidic content produced by the body. It does this through the blood stream and we all know that underneath our skin there are many blood vessels. Therefore the care of the blood is vital for skin health. In addition to that, the sulfur contained in the cucumber is very good for the skin cells, nails and hair.

Food #3 – Mangoes

Ah mangoes are delightful, don’t you think so? You should think so because not only do they taste good but they are excellent for the skin. They have an envious amount of Carotenoids that convert in the body to Vitamin A, which aids in the maintenance of epithelial tissues in the skin giving your skin hydration and tone. Definitely eat more mangoes especially when it’s in season you won’t regret it I promise.

There you have it folks the most amazing foods that can help you to get shiny, toned glittering skin. Give it a shot. I can personally vouch for these foods because I’ve tried it and it works!