Why Should I Get More Sunshine?

Photo Credit: Alex France

Photo Credit: Alex France



#1 Vitamin D 

There are 2 forms, D2 which is a plant source and D3 which the body synthesizes when your skin is exposed to sunlight. The body must have vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. It also promotes absorption of phosphorus and prevents the kidneys from excreting proteins in the urine. In addition to that, vitamin D promotes growth of strong bones and teeth; it prevents rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.


#2 Its A Free Antiseptic

That’s right. Sunshine is one of the most effective germ killer known with no side effects. The UV rays are antiseptic – it kills bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, mold and all mites! That also includes fungus of the skin or any other skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne and boils.

Nugget: A study showed that hospital patients who stayed in rooms where the sun was shining inside the room recovered faster than those in a none sunlit room.


#3 Melatonin

This is the brain’s response to sunlight exposure. Therefore the more you’re in the sun the more melatonin you’ll receive. Here’s why it’s vital. This chemical is essential for when we sleep because it helps us feel sleepy. Now that’s essential. If you’re not sleeping try walking in the morning sun for a few minutes.

Furthermore melatonin suppresses the growth of tumors and hence protects against cancer.


There you have it.  3 simple reasons that can be applied quickly and effectively. Now, I understand the seasonal weather = cold and windy but before it gets to the point of no return (winter), get as much sunshine as you can.

Will this make up for the loss days in winter, when you don’t want to go  walking in the cold? No it won’t which is why I say Thank God for science. You can take a supplement of vitamin D and Melatonin during these harsh times. Even so I encourage myself to wrap up warm and go for a walk– the crisp air would do well for my lungs!


Why You Should Hire Antioxidants


Photo Credit: Greyerbaby

Photo Credit: Greyerbaby

Antioxidants are apart of an effective crime fighting team in the body. We could say they’re like special op agents hired by you.

You thought you didn’t have a part to play in this huh? Well you do because what you decide to put in your body will determine how healthy and disease free it will be.

So let’s cut to the chase. Why are antioxidants so important for me and you to hire?

They’re important because they are capable of neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are the unwanted criminals, but if we were to put it scientifically, they’re unstable molecules. Meaning, they shoot around the body looking for electrons to steal so that they can become stable again.

The problem is when they do this, the molecules they steal from in return become unstable. This instability is due to oxidation.  An unstable molecule = potential for any disease to form. The body then becomes a toxic waste plant instead of a pure hydroelectric plant. You with me? Therefore diseases like cancer and parkinson’s begin to take root.

Our objective then is to have antioxidants present to neutralize those free radicals and therefore create balance in the body. They do this is by giving. Giving their electrons to the free radical. The free radical is then stable and satisfied. No more stealing.

Unlike other molecules in the body antioxidants do not become unstable when giving up electrons or by oxidation BUT they do lose the ability to neutralize more free radicals. So once one antioxidant give electrons to stabilize one free radical, it can’t give anymore to another free radical.

If we attempt to use our noodle for a little while and imagine:

We get bombarded by free radicals everyday. Toxic fumes, poorly cooked food, fried foods, smoke, are to name a few.

We can say then there are significant amounts of free radicals in our bodies and if we look at the fact that we don’t really pay much attention to how much antioxidants we get in a day, I would say our chances of being “Free-Radical-Free” are slim.

Hence we need to have a constant supply of antioxidants every. single. day. So that when one antioxidant gives up their electron another is there to give up more. There should be an equal amount of antioxidants to free radicals (1:1). It would be fantastic if it were (2:1) antioxidants being greater than.

By reason of when the number of free radicals is greater than that of the antioxidants the cells undergo, what is called oxidative stress, which means excess oxidation. Excess oxidation = Cell deterioration. Cell deterioration = Every cell in the body weakening and open to disease.

Now that you’ve got the gist of what I’m conveying, allow me tell you where these antioxidants are found.

They’re basically found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and grains. Not in ice cream, not in beef patties.

The main antioxidants you can find:

  • Vitamin C

Oranges, Bell peppers, Kiwis, Kale, Guavas

  • Vitamin E 

Peanuts, Soybeans, Blueberries, Sunflower seeds

  • Flavonoids

Apples, Black beans, Cabbage, Apricots

  • Carotenoids

Carrots, Yams/Sweet potatoes, Pumpkin, Cantaloupe

  • Garlic allicin

Garlic – the one & only


Are they worth hiring then?

Photo Credit: M. Connors

Photo Credit: M. Connors


How To Eat Your Way Out Of Depression

Depression is not a thing to be trifled with, simply saying the word even makes you feel down and out. If this anomaly isn’t dealt with at the first manifestation it will develop into a manic epidemic that leeches to your brain and very life.

I may be a little candid with my description but only because I have seen what it’s like. I’m sure even the happiest most intelligent person can’t say they’ve never been depressed. We’ve all been, it’s suppose to be on our resume of being human. Yet it was not intended for us to undergo it for long, deathly periods.

First of all what is depression? I’m going to put it in laymen terms…

It’s not when someone wants to kill themselves. That’s a symptom. Depression is, to put simply, just not feeling so “hot”. Everything to the individual has a negative vibe no matter how positive the environment may be. It is actually more to do with the mind/willpower and the lack of a balance function of the brain than most may think. Right thoughts produce good actions. If the thoughts are not right, the feelings won’t be right. So, I guess we could say mind therapy is apart of the healing process.

The brain, however is made up of a network of neurons, which are nerve cells, and if not kept in good condition they fire out of control. This is one of the factors that affect the thinking of an individual in a depressive state. Despite that, the condition is not hopeless there is always a way to bring back order to anarchy. In fact there are many different approaches we can take to treat this condition and prevent it.

What we’re going to do is to tackle this giant with, what I like to call, the ‘slingshot-approach’.

Let’s imagine you have a slingshot. In that slingshot there’s a stone and that stone represents food. Come on, tell me that isn’t good news! Food for depression is better than no food at all!

We often take for granted the food we eat, thinking it has no impact apart from making us feel less hungry. I’m here to tell you my friends food and the elements in them, play a fundamental role in overcoming depression.


That’s pronounced trip-to-fan, if you were wondering. If not, then ignore the first line and read on.

This amino acid is essential because it influences mood. It is a precursor to serotonin a neurotransmitter, which is responsible for good feelings and relaxation. Therefore, we want foods that have this wonderful chemical tryptophan–the more we get of it the more our levels of serotonin increase.

These foods include:







Whole Grains

Yes, it’s true. Whole grains are good for depression and here’s why.

During the digestion of whole grains (3-5hrs) glucose is being released continually thereby keeping a maintained level in the blood. Because glucose is the primary fuel for neurons, a relatively constant level of it contributes to good brain function and prevents sudden mood swings.

Whole grains also promote serotonin production and provide B-group vitamins that aids in mental stability!

Sources of whole grains include:


Omega 3 fatty acids

A diet low in omega 3 fatty acids appears to promote depression. According to a study conducted by the University of Bristol in the UK omega 3 fatty acids produces anti depressive effects1. How does it do this? The primary omega 3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA), found in plants, converts into eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA and docosahexaenoic acid, DHA, when in the body  (quite a mouthful eh?).  All are necessary for brain development. Well, if that’s the case we need to get some of those right?

The best sources are:





Note: I would strongly suggest not to use fish as your primary source for omega 3 due to dumping of toxic elements in the sea and a high risk of contamination from parasites and bacteria.

There you have it. A few solutions on tackling depression, by focusing on the physical health and needs of the neurons.

If the neurons are in optimal health then the mind on a whole will be also. Balance should be and will be restored with just a cinch of effort to  incorporate these foods into your diet.

How about you? How have you dealt with those “blue” moment


1 Healthy Body, A practical guide to health care, 1st edition, MD, Pamplona-Roger D.George, 2010


Why you’re not losing weight

So you want to lose weight and you’re not losing it. It looks hopeless, no light at the end of the tunnel. You rant, you rave and cry like a baby when you see the long winding prospect of where you are now and where you want to be. Ladies and Gentlemen, yes you too gents, the problem is you’re doing everything wrong trying to do everything right.Image

Take a look at these 6 pointers as to why you’re not really getting anywhere.

#1  You’re Stressing

DON’T stress about it. Never make losing weight be the central focus. Your vanity becomes the focus and not your health. If you do this you will stress. Believe it or not our bodies were designed to react to stress and when it does: our blood sugar increases, our blood pressure increases and our fatty acids increase, if our fatty acids increase that means the level of fat in our body increases and stores. Therefore when you should be losing you’re actually gaining. Whatever way you choose to react to this however, can be a blessing or a curse will you eat more? or will you exercise more to relieve the stress and hence lose the fat?

#2  You don’t have a plan

Have a meal plan, which means setting times for your meals and what meals you will be eating. This encourages regularity for your stomach to prepare your body for the food and giving it time to digest and assimilate it, for whatever needs the body may have.

Okay, you may have a busy life but don’t spend your health to gain wealth and then use all your wealth to regain your health. Make time out of your busy schedule. It only takes 30 mins to prepare a meal if it takes more than that, simplify it. If you have kids make it kid-friendly. Experiment, be creative and don’t over complicate things.

#3  You don’t like fruits and vegetables

 Let’s face it we don’t like to eat fruits and vegetables, especially raw. That’s a real shame because having them raw gives you the greatest benefits. So here’s what you do: re-educate your taste buds. Make a conscious effort to enjoy how foods taste just as they are. Don’t prepare them in a boring manner. Instead of just eating a whole apple, dice it up and throw it into a cup of soy vanilla yoghurt, crumbled with your favorite granola. Make a salad with a self made dressing from sunflower seeds, lemon juice and salt whizzed smooth in a blender! Make your fruit and vegetable salads colorful, your eyes are the first testers of food.

#4  You resent self control

Ah! You thought I was going to leave this one out! We despise controlling ourselves, why? we don’t want anyone or anything to stop us from doing what we want to do. It’s the natural man, everyone has this war. If you want to lose weight, however, that eat whatever I want, whenever I want won’t work.

Don’t get me wrong, I eat whatever I want but not whenever and not how much I want. Learn to control your portions. 80% of what we eat should be raw the other 20% should be cooked. We don’t always measure exactly our portions but keep the principle in mind: Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables with my cooked meals. Vegetables and fruits are high in fiber which allows them to be great for our overall health and because they are so fiber rich yet packed with water they give us a sense of fullness so we tend to eat less. Next time you’re going to have a meal have your raw first, chew with love, and you’ll find you’re halfway full before you even went to the beans and rice.

#5  You shun exercise

The truth hurts. We don’t like to exercise. We complain, we moan: “It’s too hard!” well what doesn’t kill you make you stronger. The key is to balance your exercise. Don’t over do it to the point where you collapse neither under do it. Strive to start out with 15-30mins then increase. The remarkable miracle of the body is that it is adaptable. Your muscles will eventually adapt and then crave for more. In essence your own body pushes you till it has reached its perfect peek.

Exercise does not have to be conducted in the gym. Frankly, I don’t like gyms they remind me of a robotic industrial factory…don’t ask.

Nevertheless, exercise is important, we were created to exercise but let’s make it fun. Go for a hike in nature. Go swimming. Go for a vigorous walk, so vigorous that if you’re walking with a friend you wouldn’t have the breath to carry on a conversation; every energy should be put into the walk. The great gem of walking is it works every muscle in the body. Having a walk or hike, especially with your friends or partner makes it enjoyable, you feel like you’re in this together.

Prepare a regime where you can do it more often than you like. I’m serious. Find ways (there’s info on the net) to get specific exercises to work on target areas of your body. Build your own program.

#6  You are not determined and not consistent

As soon as something is uncomfortable, too difficult or requires self sacrifice we run. It happens because we just don’t appreciate inconvenience. To put this to rest, just ask yourself “do I really want this?” because if you do, you will work at it until you’ve achieved what you want.

This begins by setting yourself goals and being consistent. Make these goals realistic. Many of us give up after a week because we don’t have a goal and if we do, it’s not realistic so we doubt and give up. If you want to lose a certain amount of pounds, start planning how much you want to lose by a certain number of days/weeks into your program.

This will be pacing yourself based on your target. A healthy goal is to lose 4 pounds every week, if you want to lose more this will take effort. Not starvation effort but exercise-healthy foods-water effort.

Taking these 6 points on board will ensure a healthy weight loss. It will motivate you to do more because you’re eating happy foods, exercising and not focusing on yourself. Losing weight is only hard when you start out with negativity, have a sense of determination. Remember the goal is not to lose weight but to be healthy. With a healthy goal in mind you will find you are more at peace with your regime.

3 Foods that will give you glamorous skin!

my versionWhatever time of year it may be, wherever you are, whatever you wear, your skin tells a story. It will tell of your inner health and your inner beauty.

Diet plays an important role in the appearance of the skin. This doesn’t mean that you have to go on a diet, it just means you have to take care because what goes in will definitely show on the outside.

What then can we put into our bodies that will shine magnificently through our skin?

Food #1 – Peanuts

These are one of the most concentrated foods available simply because they contain all the basic nutrients.

“Great, so I can eat a bag of peanuts and I’ll have my daily requirements fulfilled”.

No, don’t even think that. Peanuts are so highly concentrated in nutrients that they can be indigestible if eaten too much and too fast. Not to mention their fat content. The best way to enjoy them is to chew them well and to eat them with whole grains or fruit as a replacement of something else, you would normally have those kinds of foods with.

Two substances that you should take note of found in the peanut is niacin and unsaturated fatty acids. These two are wonderful because they form and regenerate the skin. Ladies do not run from fat. Run from the wrong kinds. Unsaturated fatty acids are needed for healthful skin, so embrace it!

Food #2 – Cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of my favorite vegetables. It’s so refreshing and easy to make into something yummy! Since most of it’s content is made up of water (96%) and it contains minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and traces of sulfur, therefore it is a natural hydrator and alkalizer.

What does alkalizer mean? It means the cucumber has properties to neutralize excess acidic content produced by the body. It does this through the blood stream and we all know that underneath our skin there are many blood vessels. Therefore the care of the blood is vital for skin health. In addition to that, the sulfur contained in the cucumber is very good for the skin cells, nails and hair.

Food #3 – Mangoes

Ah mangoes are delightful, don’t you think so? You should think so because not only do they taste good but they are excellent for the skin. They have an envious amount of Carotenoids that convert in the body to Vitamin A, which aids in the maintenance of epithelial tissues in the skin giving your skin hydration and tone. Definitely eat more mangoes especially when it’s in season you won’t regret it I promise.

There you have it folks the most amazing foods that can help you to get shiny, toned glittering skin. Give it a shot. I can personally vouch for these foods because I’ve tried it and it works!